Assisted Dying and Doctors of the Future seeking a new compromise in end-of-life choices




Appleton Tower, University of Edinburgh EH8 9LE


7:30 pm

With Liam McArthur, MSP Orkney Islands, proposer of the Bill
Gavin Francis, GP and author

Plus a panel of junior doctors and students from the Scottish Medical Schools

Public support in favour of assisted dying in Scotland has prompted Orkney MSP, Liam McArthur, to propose a new Bill legalising assisted
dying for terminally ill adults, currently proceeding through the Scottish Parliament. Two previous attempts to pass similar legislation have failed. Are opinions too polarised such that compromise cannot be reached, or is there common ground and understanding that can be explored?

In particular, what do our doctors of the future, our current medical students and junior doctors, those that will be tasked with fulfilling
any change in the law, feel about this latest proposal?

For FATE ticket allocation contact Francesca Harding: