In the coming months it is likely that some of us will have to deal with the death of someone close to us. Here are some useful links to organisations who have professional expertise in this area.
Mind – Information and Support on Bereavement
Cruse Scotland
Cruse Scotland – How to help someone bereaved
Sue Ryder – Someone close to me has died – Bereavement support
Marie Curie – Bereaved Family and Friends – Dealing with grief and grief support
Child Bereavement For those of us who have children/grandchildren who may lose a loved one, this website is an excellent resource on how to talk to children about death.
It goes without saying that you will always have a friend at FATE, so please pick up the phone or drop us an email whenever you need our support.
If you are interested in linking up with other FATE members in your area, please drop us a line and we will arrange this. It might only be swapping telephone numbers/email for a friendly chat, but at this time, a sympathetic ear can make all the difference.
This is a trying time for all of us and we are aware that many of our members may already have underlying health conditions. We send you love and strength at this time, and please be reassured that we will continue to advocate on your behalf.
You can contact us at