Glasgow Local Group Meeting: A talk by Sheri Mila Gerson




Renfield Centre, Milton Room, 260 Bath Street Glasgow G2 4JP


11:00 am

Join us for a talk from Sheri Mila Gerson,

Saturday 14th September



Sheri Mila Gersons Biography:

Sheri Mila Gerson has worked with the University of Glasgow End of Life Studies Group as a Research Associate since May 2018 focused on research related to death cafes, global end of life issues, palliative care and assisted dying.  She holds a PhD from Lancaster University (2018) with a thesis focused on issues of suicide and assisted dying. Her research explored hospice professionals’ experiences with patients who died by suicide or hastened death in a US state that allows physician assisted dying.

Raised in Chicago, she received a Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Chicago in 1987.  She has over 30 years of experience as a clinical social worker in both urban and rural settings in the United States including work in homelessness, community health, domestic violence, child and family therapy, and hospice. She has lectured in social work, cross-cultural themes in death and dying, and ethics at end of life. She has supervised clinical social workers, and served on ethics panels and advisory bodies related to end of life issues. She has been a community educator and facilitator of advanced care planning, conversations on death and dying, assisted dying, and cultural traditions and customs related to after-death care of the body.